
On Track
A free service that supports 15-24-year-olds to move closer to or get into education, training, employment or volunteering.
On Track is a free service that supports 13-24 year olds to move closer to or get into education, training, employment or volunteering.
The service works within Norfolk and varies depending on location. To find out if we can support you or somebody you know, please get in touch using the details to the right.
The service includes:
Confidential, friendly, one to one support from a coach who understands your challenges and can help you to set and reach goals.
Move on
Help to find the opportunities and training that are right for you. Job search, CV and covering letter development.
Small group work to increase your confidence and self-esteem
Contact On Track
01603 723 845
70-80 Oak Street, Norwich

What does On Track offer?
Norwich Safe Space
A project to support young people aged 13-18 who are NEET (or at risk of) to access regular positive activities and community engagement. The activities will be in a small group of no more than ten young people and will be Norwich City based. The aim of the project is to raise young people’s motivation and support them by building resilience to have hope for the future.
Mental health and ETE coaching
Specialist one-to-one support and coaching for 15-19-year-olds across Norfolk affected by mental ill health and facing barriers to employment.
Norwich Coaching Support
A project offering one-to-one coaching aimed at NEET young people aged 16-24 years, in Norwich and its surrounding areas. Norwich Coaching Support can help with a range of barriers including emotional health and wellbeing needs that are preventing young people from engaging in education, employment, or training.
Great Yarmouth support for at-risk-of-NEET young people
Providing one-to-one coaching, group work and activities for year 10 students at risk of not being in education, employment or training, including engagement, careers and transition support.
"The Matthew Project has given me the tools, patience, kindness, respect, and time I needed to create a new, functional, and genuine life.
I owe my life to the people at the Matthew Project who helped me."

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