Loveday & Partners
Corporate partners
"Loveday & Partners collaboration with The Matthew Project started in 2010 and has evolved and grown over the past fourteen years. We remain fervent supporters of all that TMP does and we continue to admire and respect the important work they do for so many vulnerable people in our community.
Their approach of giving their members the tools and training to re-join the workplace, making them once again stakeholders in our community is an extremely positive strategy for their members, their families and friends as well as the wider community. I can absolutely see the need to raise awareness as this should lead to positive outcomes, not solely in additional financial support and volunteering opportunities, but in other areas of their members lives, particularly in education and the workplace.
Having become close to The Matthew Project and having a deeper understanding of the charity’s current needs, we have recently changed our approach to the support we give, as we feel that we can help more than financially, by helping to raise awareness among our colleagues in the Norfolk professional community, as we know that the charity seeks greater awareness and understanding of their vital work for their members.
We are proud to be associated with TMP and they have our continued support."