OTW Employee
"I was born in Gateshead in 1961. I was never really interested at school, but I was well behaved most of the time and usually punctual (which would stand me in good stead in my later career). After leaving school in 1977, I first worked in the construction industry for 6 years, but always thought there was something else. Following enlistment into the Royal Air Force Regiment 22 Feb 1983, I’ve served on many operations and countries; Northern Ireland, Balkans, Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan, to name a few. Following the old saying “save the best till last” from 2017-2020 I served on a NATO post in Italy; really hard work, but someone must do it. In November 2020 I was assigned to RAF Marham in Norfolk, leaving the RAF in Feb 2021. During my 38 years, as all squaddies will tell you, “they were the best of times and they were the worst of times” but the vast majority I would do again in a heartbeat.
With reflection “The worst of times” again were at the end returning to the UK, Nov 2020, COVID lock down 2, leaving the RAF from a camp where most of the personnel were working from home, coupled with uncertainty of the future, my wife Gillian certainly noticed a change in me. So, there I was with no real idea what I was going to do next, but with a feeling I had more to give, and I certainly wasn’t ready to put my feet up. I’ve always been optimistic that something would turn up, and leaving the gym on Oak Street one fine Sunday I saw the advertising poster for “Outside the Wire”. I remember sitting in my car looking at the web page on my phone and sending a contact message there and then, which saw me “dropping in” on a Tuesday night for coffee, cake and a chat with likeminded people.
Having seen an advertisement for the P/T recovery practitioner role advertised for OTW, I decided to apply and found myself working for OTW. Part of my responsibilities is helping to organise the group. I really enjoy my role, from helping people, to in most cases sharing a cuppa, but I’m not sure if my waist line appreciates the cake!"